Helpful links
NJ FamilyCare Information
Applicant and Beneficiary Rights and Responsibilities
Estate Recovery:
Estate Recovery Notice
Estate Recovery Frequently Asked Questions
Non-Discrimination Statement
NJ FamilyCare Privacy Notice
Notice of Privacy Practices
List of Privacy Officers
Voter Registration:
Register to Vote Online
Voter Opportunity Information Form
Voter Registration Application
GetCoveredNJ is New Jersey’s official health insurance Marketplace where individuals and families can easily shop for and buy coverage.
It is the only place you can apply for financial help to lower the cost of your monthly insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs.
General FAQs are also available on this site.
This link will take you to the Department of Human Services for the state of New Jersey.
This link will take you to New Jersey's official state home page.
This will link you to general Medicaid and CHIP information.
Insure Kids Now is a web site devoted to low-cost or free health insurance
for children on a national basis. Moving to another state? Here you will
be able to find telephone numbers and helpful information before you move.
The NJ Helps DHS Services Home Page is designed to give consumers a one-stop
shopping resource for the wide range of programs and services provided by
the Department of Human Services and its partners, to assist individuals,
families and communities in New Jersey.
The early childhood, parenting, and professional resource center.
Text4baby is a FREE mobile information service designed to promote
maternal and child health. An educational program of the National Healthy Mothers,
Healthy Babies Coalition, text4baby provides pregnant women and new moms with
information to help them care for their health and give their babies the best
possible start in life. Participants can use their cell phone to text the word
BABY (or BEBE for Spanish) to the number 511411 to sign-up and receive free
SMS text messages each week, timed to their due date or baby's date of birth.
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a special federal and state tax benefit for individuals and families with earned income – whether it’s full-time,
part-time or self-employment. This tax credit may reduce the amount of taxes you owe, or provide you
with a refund, even if you don’t owe any taxes. Income, age and the number of qualifying children determine the amount of the credit,
but you may receive a federal credit and NJ state credit. Workers without children also may qualify.
Use this link to get important information or make changes with your Social Security account by first creating an account and entering your
Social Security Activation Code. At this link you will be able to: sign into your account or create an account, access your
Social Security Statement, change your address with Social Security, start or change your Direct deposit, and/or get your Benefit Verification Letter.
What You Need to Know if You Get a Letter from the IRS
This link will provide important information about the mail you could get from the IRS.
